
The notice that started it all – seen on a cycle ride in August 2012

The site at Hawklaw was bought by George and Claire Beaton in October 2012. We both have strong connections to Cupar and have lived in the town since 2006. It is our intention to convert the main building to a modern yet sympathetic family home which we will live in. The full front elevation and engineer’s garage at Hawklaw will be restored and retained. We are fanatical about the history of Hawklaw and the importance of the site during WW2 and the Cold War. We’ll be blogging as much as we can but we’re more than happy to discuss the history and plans of the site with anyone who’s interested.

Feel free to email us at george@hawklaw.com.
Or follow my instagram: @gsbeaton

2 thoughts on “About”

  1. hi,

    Any chance you could post some photos of the interior of the buildings? My Dad worked at Hawklaw for over 30 years and I’d like to see inside if possible?

    thanks, Mark

    1. Hi Mark,
      Sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. Our blog was in hibernation for a while, but it’s now on a new server and very much awake. There are now many more pictures on the blog that I hope you will enjoy.
      Best regards
      George & Claire

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